How Apple Just Changed the Entire Industry

 this article is brought to you by morning brew hi welcome to today’s episode of cold fusion before I start this episode isn’t a recommendation to buy any of apple’s products in fact I’m windows and android user myself the following is simply my documentation of what I perceive to be the biggest moment in computing history in the last decade or so I think it’s just fascinating so make sure you’re comfortable for this one to get out the popcorn and be ready to be entertained or learn a thing or two you are watching tv.

their products impossible to repair increased prices of their products and accessories to a ridiculous level and enjoy excessive control but what if apple actually did something to push the industry forward and spur competition well it turns out that they may just have done that phones and computers are never seen as comparable when it comes to power they both live in different worlds though as long time subscribers would know back in 2012 i was comparing the two of them and seeing if a phone could replace a pc the rate at which phone power was improving year over year was absolutely unbelievable to me at the time those were some fun days the main difference between phones and desktop computers is that they use different types of processor technology phones use a type of processor design called arm while desktop computers generally use another type called x86 like intel for example arm is a simpler design than x86 making it more efficient but x86 traditionally used to be able to do more but this is changing the interesting thing to note is that in recent years our phones have been getting faster at a much more rapid rate than computers have been improving so here’s a question what happens when the chips in our phones come close to the power of laptop and desktop computers what if you took this amazing performance and efficiency of a mobile chip and put it in the body of a laptop that is access to a larger battery and more space to breathe well things that many thought were impossible begin to happen and then i didn’t plug it in for four days totaling a little over 10 hours of mixed use and still had 17 percent less animations are buttery smooth as you’d expect and even opening and closing some of those bigger apps like chrome and lightroom are just as fast if not faster than on my desktop which is sick it’s just an overall really responsive feel okay look at this guy okay angelica when you’re editing this show the footage from the surface pro x uh how that was the windows version of this there was extreme lag moving and doing anything and here it is extremely smooth and this is the base model macbook air without a fan these m1 macs are setting up the future of mac hardware as we know it is changing everything the new macbooks and the m1 chip that powers it resulted in an energy efficient chip as powerful as some desktop cpus what most people are missing is that this isn’t an ordinary macbook the m1 chip represents the culmination of a decade of planning and a radical shift in the consumer computing industry on the surface putting a mobile chip in apple’s best-selling computer seems really stupid but when you look deeper it makes a whole lot of sense as you’ll see later it’s actually a classic case of disruption as defined by clay christensen in 1997. so how did apple do this well the journey of how apple got to this point will be the subject of today’s episode you will also see how intel’s ceo refused to work on the iphone and made one of the biggest mistakes in tech history to truly understand what apple has done we first must go through some quick history central processing units or cpus are the brain of computers they do all the billions of calculations a second to make our devices run cpus run on what are called instructions these are the fundamental tiny bits of data that tell our computers what to do for example add these two numbers together fetch this number from memory that kind of thing when you group these commands together they’re called an instruction set in the emerging battle between mobile and desktop cpus it would be the variations in how these instruction sets were handled that would make all the difference since its founding in 1968 by robert noyce and gordon moore intel has been the gatekeeper of mainstream computer cpus they would gain the name x86 after a series of popular chips in the late 70s and early 80s that ended in the number 86 the x86 instruction set architecture would go on to dominate the industry from the 1980s chip manufacturers would begin to add more and more complicated instructions to be perceived as better to a non-suspecting buyer over time these instructions made the chip’s functionality bloated precious and limited physical space on the chip was being taken up by fancy instructions that were hardly ever used by the rest of the system meanwhile in the uk in 1983 a company by the name of acorn computers decided to go down a different path instead of making things more and more complicated why not take a simpler approach this mode of thinking was called risk a reduced instruction set computing as opposed to the bloated sisk from companies like intel some people are saying risk technology is the wave of the future other people are saying risk is already a passe technology what does this expert think well stuart the current ibm pc line that they’re based upon a processor called the 8086.

it’s kind of a messy architecture so risk gives us as a new starting point we can say okay here’s a simpler instruction set faster less code space well if you talk about risk is that a philosophy a way you design a machine architecture or is it a specific set of instructions it certainly is a philosophy or a style and in fact it’s a style which differs depending on what you’re trying to do the main idea is not to add any complexity to the machine unless it pays for itself by how frequently you would use it out of this came the acorn risk machine project otherwise known as arm this was the birth of the type of chips that would be used in all of our smartphones in the coming decades so in this episode for simplicity’s sake we’ll just refer to wrist chips as simplified cpus and cisc chips as complex cpus while developing the first arm chip during testing something unexpected happened here professor steve ferber speaks about how he started the arm project as we set about designing the arm we didn’t really expect to pull it off okay firstly we thought this risk idea is so obvious that big industry will pick up on it and will get trampled underfoot we expected to go into this project finding out why it wasn’t a good idea to do it and the and the obstacle just never emerged from the mist we just kept moving forward through the fog until eventually we had a fully working arm chip in our hands i don’t think it was day one but a few days later we decided we’d better measure the power consumption so i turned the arm chip on ran some and some code on it looked at the ammeter and it was reading zero and i knew we designed a fairly low power chip but this was um a bit remarkable and it turned out that actually i’d in inserting the ammeter into the power supply i’d failed to connect the power supply and so no current was flowing through the ammeter but the chip was still running so hang on so it wasn’t just you didn’t connect the ammeter it was actually that you didn’t connect the chip to the power supply yes there was no power supply connection to the chip and yet he was running by 1985 they had their first prototype and by 1987 the first computer based on arm was produced the acorn archimedes and from here arm would license its designs to other manufacturers for them to build at first being low power was a nice side effect but it didn’t have much of an advantage for desktop machines but as portable computing devices started showing up arm became the first choice they were used in everything from nokias to ericsson phones so how are these arm chips so efficient.


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